The Parable of Building Strong
Understanding the parables of Jesus will have a profoundly positive impact on your life! When it comes to your life, building strong is essential. But with so many competing philosophies and ideologies, how can you be sure you're building your life on a solid foundation? In this episode of More than a Story, we will unpack the parable of the wise and foolish men.
No matter how architecturally magnificent the building, one must first choose a solid foundation to successfully weather the storms! This parable will give you the guidance you need to build on the most enduring foundation even in the face of life's uncertainty.
What Does the Parable of the Sower Represent?
If you have ever wondered how to interpret the parable of the sower, you will want to join Adrian Webster as he continues the journey of exploring the parables of Jesus.
Understanding the parables of Jesus will bring wisdom and a sense of clarity to your every day life experience. Life lessons in the Bible find a particular richness in the object lessons that Jesus employed from the natural world to illustrate spiritual realities. This video will provide some clear answers regarding how to understand the parable of the sower: the seed, the field, the four types of ground and the harvest. You will find your own place in the this parable, realising that it is so much more than a story.
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Understanding the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus isn't particularly easy. When it comes to understanding the parables of Jesus Christ, this is definitely one of the more tricky ones. Most likely this rich man and Lazarus sermon that Jesus told was a fictional story borrowed from the popular culture of the day and reapplied to suit Jesus' spiritual purposes.
How Does Spiritual Growth Happen
Perhaps you've met people who are anxious about their spiritual growth trajectory and the rate of progress in their character development. What is the role of faith in growing spiritually? How much knowledge do I need to grow spiritually? How to be perfect for God? The only way to enjoy the journey of spiritual growth is to understand the relationship between spiritual growth and the grace of God. Don't be hard on yourself spiritually and don't obsess over spiritual perfection. If you do, the pursuit of Christian perfectionism will suck the joy out of the journey.
You Are Made to be Spiritually Connected
How Can I Have Life? Great question! The truth is that you are made to be spiritually connected. Jesus told a parable to illustrate how important connectedness with Him is. The parable of the vine and the branches reveals that living like Jesus is easy as long as we depend upon Him and not upon our own resources. The most basic truth is that you cannot be spiritually independent.
Why Pray when there is No Answer?
Should I keep praying even if there is no answer? Why pray when there is no answer? Why does God keep saying no to my prayers? Is there any point to praying? Jesus told a parable about an unjust judge and a persistent widow to answer these very questions that arise in connection with prayer.
The Odds are Stacked in your Favour
Why would a God of love judge people? When will the judgement take place? What did Jesus say about judgment? A lot of people feel that the idea of God's judgement is scary. The truth, though, is that divine judgement is a good thing.
The Kingdom of God
Why should I care about the Kingdom of God? When was the Kingdom of God born? How does the Kingdom of God grow? How big is the Kingdom of God? Can the Kingdom of God be seen? If so, what does the Kingdom of God look like? Perhaps you've heard the expression: "Don't despise the day of small beginnings". Never has this been more true than with regard to the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Jesus spoke to the people of His day illustrating the beginning and growth of the Kingdom of God as a tiny mustard seed growing to become a large tree.
Beware of the Pride Trap
We are all prone to the trap of pride! The danger of comparing ourselves with others becomes inevitable as we indulge the spirit of pride. What is your favorite flavor of sin? We all have our unique preference when it comes to the particular way in which we indulge our sinful natures. Nevertheless, pride is perhaps the most dangerous of all sin. The reason is simply because pride makes us blind to our true need. Pride causes us to indulge in judging others by comparing them with ourselves. The corrupt pride filled heart hijacks religion to make us feel superior over others. In reality, the only true standard of character is that of Jesus. Compared to Him, none of us come close to measuring up.
How to Thrive in a Church
Why is there trouble in the church? Why do people get hurt by churches? Am I going to get hurt in church? Can't I be a follower of Jesus without being connected to a church? These are very real questions that were answered by Jesus telling a story about the wheat and the tares.
Cost to Value Ratio
We are either wholly saved or wholly lost. There is no in between state. But is the cost of becoming part of the Kingdom of God worth it? Without a doubt, the Kingdom of God is worth the cost! Unfortunately, many people are still oblivious to the Kingdom of God and its value. The only way we can be counting the cost too high is if we do not truly understand the value of what is offered through the Kingdom of God. The cost to value ratio is explained by Jesus through two similar but slightly different parables. The parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price remind us that the kingdom of god is beyond anything this world offers you. When you turn to God you realise that all is forgiven. Through forgiveness you are brought back into the family of God. By being restored to the family of God you become an heir of eternal life as well as everything God has to offer.
How to Estimate my Value
Have you ever asked the question, "Why does God bother with me?" After all human beings can be a bit messy! How valuable are human beings to God? Well, value is determined by the price that someone is willing to pay for what they want. The parable of the good shepherd in the Bible reveals the warm, loving heart that God has for us as well as the extent to which He would go to ensure our eternal wellbeing and salvation.
The Story of the Lost Coin
Why was humanity made in the image of God? The simple answer to this question is that we were designed to be sons and daughters of God. The Bible paints a beautiful picture of how God has given Himself to humanity for better or for worse. As a result of sin, human beings were alienated from God. The meaning of the story of the lost coin reveals that many people don't realise that they are lost but that even so there is a God who searches for mankind! Why does God bother with me? How valuable are human beings to God? The answer is found in the extent to which God has gone to reconcile us with the family of heaven through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
A Tale of Two Sons
Do you believe that God wants us to live the good life? Many people doubt this because they feel that God's laws restrict their freedom. But what if God's laws are not about restricting our freedom but, rather, about protecting us from hurt, alienation, broken relationships, addiction and every other kind of enslavement that undermines the quality of life? In addition, what if God has an open door policy for anyone wanting to come home?
What Forgiveness is and How to Forgive
Giving and receiving forgiveness God's way is the only way to truly be free. But then, why is it so difficult to forgive others? The parable of the king who forgave a large debt owed by one of his servants provides a profound illustration of what forgiveness is and how forgiveness happens. The story of the unforgiving servant reminds us that what others owe us is nothing compared to what we owe God. The secret to being able to offer others forgiveness is that we must first receive forgiveness from God. We then pass on the forgiveness of God to others as we engage in daily relationships.
Eternal Life is a Side Benefit of Salvation
What if I told you that salvation is a side benefit of fellowship with Jesus? Think about it carefully. Do we want Jesus for who he is or for what He gives? Do people accept Jesus out of a desire of self preservation, in the hope of avoiding eternal death? Or do they accept Jesus because they truly desire friendship with Him? The difference between these two motivations is the difference between simply using someone for what they can give you and that of seeking true friendship.
Beware of Religion
Why is Israel important in history? What does the Bible teach about Israel? Simply put, Israel was God's chosen people during Old Testament times. They would still be today had they not rejected the message thus stripping away their calling and their mission. Does God have a chosen people today? Yes He does! Today, spiritual Israel is the church. Spiritual Israel is called to mission. The Kingdom Mission is sharing Jesus with the world. Having been born into the Kingdom, we then go as a missionary in behalf of the Kingdom. Whether Jew or Gentile, all are called into the body of spiritual Israel to experience and share the good news of reconciliation with God through Jesus.
Racial Prejudice in the Name of God - it’s a Sin thing
Racism and abuse in religious circles is all too frequent. Uniqueness versus superiority is a concept that we struggle with, tending to magnify our uniquenesses or differences to others into a reason we are superior over them. Whether it's racial differences, educational differences, cultural differences or religious differences, it is all too often the case that we see these differences not merely as variety but as evidence of inferiority or superiority. But the problem is not our differences. Neither is the problem religion in and of itself. Actually, it's a sin thing! Sin has the ability to hijack and distort just about anything for the purpose of exalting ourselves over others.
Signs that Jesus is Coming
One of the most important questions to be sure you know the answer to is, Are you ready to meet your maker? Time is short. Everything in our world today suggests that things cannot go on like this forever. Jesus told the parable of the fig tree to tell His followers that although no one knows when Jesus will return, we can tell that His return is nearby discerning the times in which we live and the events taking place. Just like we can tell that summer is near even while the weather is still cold by observing the new leaf buds forming on the trees, so to we can tell that the coming of Jesus is nearby paying attention to what bible prophecy says about the coming of Jesus.
How Jesus will Come
The Bible is clear that the coming of Jesus will not be secret. Yet despite this, many Christians believe that the secret rapture doctrine is a Biblically true teaching. What is the secret rapture teaching? Simply put, it is the idea that prior to Jesus' glorious return, which will bring this world to an end, Jesus will return secretly or imperceptibly to the majority of the world to take His faithful followers with Him. This event will mark the beginning of a seven year tribulation during which the antichrist will manifest himself and the wicked will have another opportunity to repent before the glorious return of Jesus brings a final end to sin and sinners. The secret rapture doctrine is a second chance doctrine. Unfortunately, if it is not true, then there may be many who could be lost because they were delaying their personal preparation to meet Jesus.