The Story of the Lost Coin
Why was humanity made in the image of God? The simple answer to this question is that we were designed to be sons and daughters of God. The Bible paints a beautiful picture of how God has given Himself to humanity for better or for worse. As a result of sin, human beings were alienated from God. The meaning of the story of the lost coin reveals that many people don't realise that they are lost but that even so there is a God who searches for mankind! Why does God bother with me? How valuable are human beings to God? The answer is found in the extent to which God has gone to reconcile us with the family of heaven through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
There is rich symbolism in the story of the lost coin. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. The lamp with its light represents the Word of God that illumines our lives through the working of the Holy Spirit. The woman represents God's church on earth. The lost coin represents people, stamped with the image of God but who are lost and do not realise it. Every one of us is or has been in such a condition. The church is made up of lost coins that have been found and now are called to share the light of God's word through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Indeed, the church is God's hands and feet on earth. Understanding the story of the lost coin is not only good news for that which is lost but also a calling to those who have been found to go out and search for other lost coins. In a strange twist to the story of the lost coin, we observe that the coin is lost inside the house. So too there are many who may be associated with the church who remain lost even within its fellowship. While overseas missions to spread the story of Jesus is important, the parable of the lost coin reminds us to pay attention to those within the house of God too and not simply assume that church association automatically equals salvation.
This video was produced in partnership with Hope Channel New Zealand and originally aired on television under the title "More than a Story: Happily Lost" (episode 13 of 24).