The Kingdom of God
Why should I care about the Kingdom of God? When was the Kingdom of God born? How does the Kingdom of God grow? How big is the Kingdom of God? Can the Kingdom of God be seen? If so, what does the Kingdom of God look like? Perhaps you've heard the expression: "Don't despise the day of small beginnings". Never has this been more true than with regard to the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Jesus spoke to the people of His day illustrating the beginning and growth of the Kingdom of God as a tiny mustard seed growing to become a large tree.
The Kingdom of God started small. The Kingdom of God started with Jesus. Two thousand years ago it didn't seem like it would amount to much. Jesus was the original seed. Through the Holy Spirit's power, the Kingdom of God and the power of God has brought hope and transformation to this world. The Kingdom of God and the love of God is like a mustard seed that begins small and grows up to impact and transform the world.
Join Adrian Webster as he considers the meaning of the parable of the mustard seed and its implications for you today!
This video was produced in partnership with Hope Channel New Zealand and originally aired on television under the title "More than a Story: The Day of Small Beginnings" (episode 8 of 24).