Signs that Jesus is Coming
One of the most important questions to be sure you know the answer to is, Are you ready to meet your maker? Time is short. Everything in our world today suggests that things cannot go on like this forever. Jesus told the parable of the fig tree to tell His followers that although no one knows when Jesus will return, we can tell that His return is nearby discerning the times in which we live and the events taking place. Just like we can tell that summer is near even while the weather is still cold by observing the new leaf buds forming on the trees, so to we can tell that the coming of Jesus is nearby paying attention to what bible prophecy says about the coming of Jesus.
Are there signs that the world is coming to an end. Yes, there are! Understanding the times in which we live is essential. And yet our days are often so full with trying to make ends meet that we don't give due consideration to matters of eternal significance. How can you know the signs of Jesus coming? Fortunately, the Bible outlines a collection of indicators that point to the nearness of Jesus return. Some of these signs are in the category of general indicators that underscoring the brokenness of our world. Then there are the definitive signs that Jesus is coming.
Just as important as it is to know and discern the signs of Jesus soon return, we must also pay close attention to the emphatic warning in Scripture that no one knows when Jesus will return precisely. We would do well to pay no attention to date setters who claim to pinpoint the exact time for the coming of Jesus. We should also beware of soft time setting for the coming of Jesus.
How long until Jesus comes again? The season this world is in right now suggests it isn't that far away. What is more important, though, is that we live as those who are ready every day. If we are ready each and every day, it doesn't matter whether the return of Jesus is imminent or a little way off yet. To be ready means we can live without fear and uncertainty. Instead, we can live with confidence and anticipation for the most glorious event any human eye has yet seen.
This video was produced in partnership with Hope Channel New Zealand and originally aired on television under the title "More than a Story: Discerning the Times, Part 1 - Our Place in History" (episode 19 of 24).