How Jesus will Come
The Bible is clear that the coming of Jesus will not be secret. Yet despite this, many Christians believe that the secret rapture doctrine is a Biblically true teaching. What is the secret rapture teaching? Simply put, it is the idea that prior to Jesus' glorious return, which will bring this world to an end, Jesus will return secretly or imperceptibly to the majority of the world to take His faithful followers with Him. This event will mark the beginning of a seven year tribulation during which the antichrist will manifest himself and the wicked will have another opportunity to repent before the glorious return of Jesus brings a final end to sin and sinners. The secret rapture doctrine is a second chance doctrine. Unfortunately, if it is not true, then there may be many who could be lost because they were delaying their personal preparation to meet Jesus.
How will Jesus come again? What will it be like when Jesus returns? What do we know about the timing of Jesus return? Simply put, the glory and the power of the coming of Jesus means that it will be a full sensory experience. The Bible is explicit that the return of Jesus will not be missed by any person alive at the time. No one will need to be told through a news agency or deduce it based upon the ensuing chaos of a large number of people being suddenly and unexpectedly whisked away in the midst of whatever they were doing at the time. But then why does Jesus come as a thief in the night, according to the Bible? This analogy is not meant to describe the nature of Jesus coming but rather the timing of Jesus coming. The thief in the night language is not a description of HOW Jesus returns but rather of WHEN Jesus returns. It refers to the element of surprise rather than secrecy.
What the coming of Jesus means for us is the beginning of an eternity without the brokenness of sin. The coming of Jesus means face-to-face reconciliation with Jesus. The coming of Jesus means the promise of resurrection and reunion with loved ones separated by death.
Are you ready to meet your Maker? Knowing how to be ready when Jesus comes is the single most important knowledge and experience you need to obtain in this lifetime. The way you prepare for face-to-face that day is learning to know and love Him this day!
This video was produced in partnership with Hope Channel New Zealand and originally aired on television under the title "More than a Story: Discerning the Times, Part 2 - Our Face-to-Face with Jesus" (episode 20 of 24).