Beating the Crazy of Covid-19
Join Adrian Webster and Jordan Spangler as they discuss the impact of COVID-19 and the best Christian response to it. If you feel like COVID-19 Coronavirus has brought out the crazy in society, you're not alone.
Political Discussions Without Fighting
Do you know how to navigate potentially heated conversations on sensitive topics like politics or religion? Join Adrian and Jordan as they share their top four tips on how to engage in political discussions without fighting.
Faith and Politics
How would Jesus vote in this day and age? History doesn't have a great track record when it comes to the mixing of faith and politics. At the same time Christians are called to influence society. To vote or not to vote... and who to vote for?
How Far is Too Far? Sexual Experiences Before Marriage
How far is too far when it comes to sexual experiences before marriage? Join Adrian Webster as he unpacks a relationship framework for discerning how far is too far before marriage and the importance of setting sexual boundaries before marriage. Premarital sexuality is an important question with the issue not only pertaining to full on sexual intimacy but extending also to foreplay before marriage.
6 Important Signs you Shouldn’t Marry That Person
Trying to decide whether to marry that special someone? If you're wondering how to know whether to get married, this video is for you. Learn about six important signs that you shouldn't marry that person. Join Adrian Webster and Jordan Spangler as they talk about how marriage does not automatically fix what was broken before marriage. If you're asking, "Should I marry him" or "Should I marry her", make sure you know what the deal breakers before marriage are before making a life long marital commitment.
Top 8 Marriage Killers
Join Adrian Webster and Jordan Spangler as they unpack their top 8 marriage killers. Have you ever wondered how to fix your marriage without talking about it? Well once you know what is hurting your marriage you will realise how to make your marriage grow. This video will provide a few secrets of a good marriage and may help you understand how to fix your marriage when it’s falling apart.
Five Secrets to an Amazing Cross-Cultural Marriage
Help me, I'm in a cross-cultural marriage! Make no mistake, there are so many benefits of cross-cultural marriage. Whether it's the new foods, the encountering of different people groups, being exposed to a new way of seeing the world or learning a new language, cross-cultural marriages are incredible adventures! That's not to say that an intercultural marriage is at all easy. There are going to be times when you wonder how to love someone who is different to you or how to make a cross-cultural relationship work.
How to Survive Infidelity
When it comes to marital unfaithfulness, the good news is that perhaps there is hope for you after all. Although surviving infidelity in marriage is no small task, it is definitely possible.
No one goes into a marriage relationship expecting to have to face the pain of betrayal. But if you have experienced adultery, you may be asking yourself, How can I forgive someone who cheated on me? Should I stay or leave after an affair? Whichever direction you choose, there is a hard road of recovery ahead.
Pornography, What’s the Big Deal
What is wrong with pornography? Is pornography ok? Does porn provide an easy answer to the question of how to improve my sex life? In this video we will explore what pornography really is and will unpack the effects of pornography on marriage.
The pornography business is a multi-billion dollar industry that has successfully lured singles and married couples into its grasp with the promise of great pleasure but with no mention of the many reasons why pornography is bad. There are probably a variety of answers to the question of why people use porn. But perhaps the better question to explore is how pornography hurts your partner.
Whether you are single or married, you would do well to take a few minutes to think about why pornography is unhealthy. If this is not clear in your mind, there will likely not be a strong boundary in place to avoid using pornography at some point in time. Make no mistake, despite the attraction to pornography, it is addictive. Pornography will distort your view of healthy sexual expression. Beating pornography addiction begins with seeing it for what it really is: a sexuality counterfeit.
Pornography is not harmless. Porn hurts you! Just as importantly, pornography hurts your spouse! By hurting you and by hurting your spouse, pornography hurts your marriage.
Do you want to be free from porn? In a follow up video we will explore how to grow out of pornography and how to save your marriage from pornography. If you want to be free from pornography, start here with this discussion, which will lay the foundation for a mindset change, then proceed to the next video, which will layout the practical steps you can take in the journey of beating pornography addiction. You do not need to be a porn addict for life!
Watch "Pornography: How to Stop Hurting Yourself and Your Partner" -
Pornography. How to Stop Hurting Yourself and Your Partner
Do you want to be free from porn? Are you questioning how to save you marriage from pornography? Whether you're married or single, perhaps you sense the need to know how to grow out of pornography. If you want to be free from pornography start here with this discussion. Join us as we think about practical steps you can take in the journey of beating pornography addiction. If you have had personal victory in this area, we would love to hear your best ways to stop pornography in the comments section below. How to be be free from pornography is a question of great importance and one which has practical answers.
No matter how strongly pornography addiction has you in its grasp, don’t give up. There is hope that you can overcome porn. You do not need to be a porn addict for life. The good news is that there are a few obvious things you can start doing right now in answer to how you can stop using pornography.
Remember that the question is bigger than only how to stop hurting yourself with pornography. It is also about how to stop hurting your spouse with porn.
Be sure to watch our previous video release, which considers why pornography is a big deal in the first place. In that video we explore how pornography hurts your partner, how pornography hurts your marriage as well as how pornography comes down to being a sexuality counterfeit.
“Pornography: What’s the Big Deal”:
Christmas, Let’s Reframe the Story
Do you find yourself asking, What is the real message of Christmas? If you do, you’re not alone! The good news of Christmas is profound. The Christmas story and hope go hand in hand. The Christmas story and the story of humanity cannot be separated. The Christmas story is, indeed, our story and our hope!
What is Christmas really all about? Well, the Christmas good news becomes even more powerful when we consider all the characters in the Christmas story. Sure, Jesus is front and centre. But when we unpack all the characters in the Christmas story, we begin to see our place in that story like never before. We also see how the Christmas story and the great controversy are one and the same thing.
So what is the real message of Christmas? At it’s core it is Immanuel - God with us! Through thick and thin, God with us. Through pain and suffering, God with us. Through uncertainty and insecurity, God with us. Through sin and failure, God with us!
The Perfect Relationship Partner
Are you one of the many people asking yourself how to find the perfect relationship partner? If so, this video may help you discover how to know who is the right person for you. Almost all of us have a subjective list of characteristics of a good relationship partner. No doubt, at some point in your life you've had a conversation with someone about what to look for in a marriage partner. But what if, instead of asking is he the right person for me or is she the right person for me, we stopped to consider whether I am the right person for them. If you're a Christian, there will be an added faith component to consider when contemplating joining your life to another in marriage. This discussion will not only consider what to look for in a marital partner in a general sense but will specifically consider what to look for in a future christian husband and what to look for in a future christian wife.
When thinking about marriage, how to get it right begins by asking and answering the right questions about our own readiness for marriage as well as the other person’s readiness for marriage. Ask not only, What does the perfect relationship partner look like? Ask also, Am I ready to be the perfect relationship partner to the one I love?
John and June Wallace
John & June Wallace share their journey, struggle and hope, facing a terminal prostate cancer diagnosis.
The Mystery of Easter
Do you struggle with guilt and shame? Would you like to leave it all behind? The good news is that you can! In this sound bite, Adrian Webster will share the good news of how love and acceptance has replaced guilt and shame.
Why Jesus is Worthy of Worship
Is Jesus safe to sit on the throne of the universe? What makes Him worthy of worship? It's not about power. It's about character!
Inviting the Presence of God - Part 2
Do you want God to manifest His presence in your life? Have you ever wandered what it would take for God to reveal Himself to you? The good news is that God is more eager to reveal Himself to you than you can imagine!
As human beings, our tendency is to under estimate both the greatness of God and the nearness of His presence. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that there is no building that can contain His presence. Yet, at the same time, He reassures us that God’s presence is guaranteed to every person that chooses to welcome Him.
Join Adrian Webster as he unpacks what Isaiah 66:1-2 reveal about what it takes to discover the presence of God in our daily life experience.
Three Tips for Living Together in Close Confines
Living in close confines isn't always an easy thing to do, even if it is with those we love the most! Whether it's every day life or a national lockdown, living with others tests our selflessness and love. In this video, Adrian Webster shares three tips from the Bible that will make living together a small foretaste of heaven.
Divine Boundaries
The beautiful volcanic stone boundary walls that are an iconic Northland, New Zealand, feature might well illustrate the good intent that underlies the Law of God, which is to protect the relationships that give meaning to life.
Your Flavour
Just as fruit trees produce fruit after their own kind, so to the person who has become friends with Jesus will bear the fruit of a beautiful character that will sweeten the lives of those around them. “By their fruits you shall know them”.
Until the Morning
Death is not a subject that we find enjoyable to contemplate. Nevertheless it is the one certain reality for every person who is born into this life. Fortunately there is a hope that transcends death.