Divine Boundaries
The beautiful volcanic stone boundary walls that are an iconic Northland, New Zealand, feature might well illustrate the good intent that underlies the Law of God, which is to protect the relationships that give meaning to life.
Your Flavour
Just as fruit trees produce fruit after their own kind, so to the person who has become friends with Jesus will bear the fruit of a beautiful character that will sweeten the lives of those around them. “By their fruits you shall know them”.
Until the Morning
Death is not a subject that we find enjoyable to contemplate. Nevertheless it is the one certain reality for every person who is born into this life. Fortunately there is a hope that transcends death.
In this episode of the Quick Chat series, Adrian Webster visits a specialist auto restorer and reflects on how his trade illustrates the journey of transforming one's life.
One of the greatest things about going for a swim is the feeling of being weightless. This experience is a great illustration of what it is like to be free from the burdens of shame, sin and guilt.
Intelligent Design
This world if full of wonder! Some say that our planet, along with all its wide variety of life, is the result of random chance and natural selection. But Perhaps intelligent design is a better explanation.
Prayer Gift
Gift buying can be a stressful event! Thankfully, giving the gift of prayer is one of the easiest and most powerful things within our reach to give. Praying for someone invites the presence and the power of God into their life. What could be more important than this?!
Prayer Power
In this Quick Chat episode, Adrian Webster reflects on prayer as the power source for the Christian experience.
Judah’s Tree
In this Quick Chat episode, Adrian Webster shares a very personal story of loss and hope.
Enduring Hope
In Quick Chat, episode 3, Adrian Webster highlights the enduring hope that the gospel of Jesus Christ presents to those who are facing tough and challenging times.