Fruit of the Spirit
There is nothing quite as refreshing or tasty as sweet juicy fruit picked straight from the tree during the summer months! It's no wonder that the Bible uses this as a metaphor to describe the evidences of Christian character. The true Christian will be a refreshing influence to those they spend time with.
Eternal Realities
Have you ever wondered about what happens when you die? Is death a pathway to another life? Is death the end of all things? Is there some kind of preparation we should make before death claims us? These are not easy questions to ask or to answer. They take time, research and introspection. Contemplating eternal realities is often pushed to one side in the busyness of life. Nevertheless, perhaps the old adage is true: “You’re not ready to live until you’re ready to die”.
The Shortness of Time
We take time foregranted. In reality, though, time is in short supply. Psalm 39:4-7 articulates a prayer for wisdom in understanding the shortness of time and the purpose of life.
Rust Bucket
What does an old, rusted, beat up 1950s Austin have in common with the human condition? Both desperately need to be restored! Join Adrian Webster as he reflects on the essential role of prayer in the journey of restoration.
What is Christmas really about? The Christmas season is a time when we beautify our neighbourhoods and homes with Christmas lights and stress ourselves out with Christmas shopping. Christmas songs echo in shopping centres creating a festive mood. We look forward to Christmas family gatherings. In the midst of all this Christmas hustle it is easy to forget the Christmas message.
Rightly understood, the message of Christmas is a reminder of the greatest Gift ever given. The joy of the Christmas season is found in the gift of Jesus, humanity's hope for a better tomorrow. Let's see if this year we can keep Christmas real!