Around the Table
Throughout Scripture the hospitality of sharing a meal together is used as a metaphor for the experience of salvation. During Jesus' ministry on earth, many life changing conversations took place around the table. In this presentation, Pr Adrian Webster will consider the various themes discussed between Jesus and His disciples around the table at the last supper.
Letters From Home
In this world, geographical separation from the ones we love is inescapable. During these times of distance there is nothing better than receiving a letter from home. Whether it's an e-mail, a text message or an old fashioned letter, we cherish the knowledge that our loved ones have not forgotten about us but still want to share their lives and their hearts with us. Sin has brought physical separation between God and His earthly family. Yet through the ages, He has ensured that we know of His love and interest in us by sending us letters from home. The Bible is precisely such a collection of heavenly communication. More than this, the Bible assures us that God would continue to send letters from home right down to the very end when we will be reunited face-to-face with Him again.
Family Tree
In every age, God has ensured that He has had a human family on earth. Whether the epoch of the patriarchs, the period of national Israel or the age of spiritual Israel, God's family on earth includes all who place their faith and belief in Him. But here's the highlight: You have a special place in the divine family tree!
A Growing Family
Because of what Jesus has accomplished in our behalf we have been adopted into the family of God. Having found our reunion and peace with God, He asks us to join Him in His task of growing His family. Central to this is our need to be filled with the Holy Spirit who provides the skills, the character and the generosity needed.
Cleaning the House
Dirt! It's a part of every day life. Water! It's our every day cleaning agent. The human heart! It's tainted with all sorts of dirtiness. The Saviour! His grace is sufficient to cleanse the corruption within. Having received His grace to cleanse within, He invites us to be immersed in water as a celebration of this spiritual reality. In "Cleaning the House" Jordan Spangler will share the meaning and purpose signified by the Biblical practice of baptism.
Are We There Yet?
Every parent has heard those little voices in the backseat of the car asking, "Are we there yet?" Similarly, every Christian's heart has resonated with that same question in regard to the end of this age. In this presentation Pr Adrian Webster will share a Biblical perspective on what lies ahead on the journey toward our heavenly home.
How Many More Sleeps
How many more sleeps until the return of Jesus? The good news is that it is never more than one sleep away for any of us. Throughout Scripture, death is spoken of as a sleep. For those who are laid to sleep before the coming of Jesus, their next conscious thought will be the resurrection. But what is it like to sleep the sleep of death? What happens to the soul?
Restoring the Family Name
Where did evil come from? How can it exist in a universe supposedly ruled by a God of love? How can we trust a God who seemingly tolerates a world of brokenness, pain and suffering, such as ours? What you decide about the origin of evil will, to a very great degree, shape your opinion of God, your perception of life in the present and your expectations for the future. In this presentation, Pr Adrian Webster will unpack both the truth about evil and the truth about the character of God. A divine plan has been set in motion to restore the family name!
Home Invasion
How do we reconcile the idea of a loving God on the throne of the universe with the reality of a messed up world such as ours. Inequality, injustice, suffering and pain seem to have a very loud voice. Is there a good answer to their cries?
Heavenly House Rules
Heavenly House Rules gives consideration to what it looks like to live together in unity as the family of God. Every family has its own unique culture, customs and rules. The heavenly family is no different. The heavenly Father has established His house rules among His family on earth for their blessing, protection and happiness.
The Embrace of Home
Salvation, who needs it anyway? As long as you're a good person, right? Perhaps the best place to start is in seeking to understand what the real human dilemma is. At the heart of the human problem is a fractured relationship with the Creator. The heart of the solution is the healing of the relationship between humanity and the Creator. This reconciliation takes place through the person of Jesus. It's time for you to experience the embrace of home.
Headed Home
Wait. Delay. Tarry. Stall. Patience. Typically, people do not like having to live the experience that these words signify. What do you get when you combine these words with the promise of Jesus' 'soon' return? The story of this world! Why have 2000 odd years passed since Jesus promised an immanent return? "Headed Home" gives consideration to the subject of delay and the purposes of God in working out humanity's salvation.
Here and Now
"Here and Now" gives detailed consideration to the practical experience of Sabbath keeping. What does it mean to "keep the Sabbath holy"? How do we discern best practice for Sabbath keeping in areas not clearly revealed in the Bible? Most importantly "Here and Now" discusses the relational nature and purpose of the Sabbath gift.
Who is the Beast of Revelation?
The Mark of the Beast is coming! But what is the Mark of the Beast? More importantly, how can you avoid receiving the Mark of the Beast? Bible prophecy strongly associates together the end times and the mark of the beast. According to the book of Revelation, the mark of the beast is a phenomenon that manifests our spiritual loyalty shortly before the return of Jesus. The world will be divided into two camps, one standing under the seal of God and the other standing under the mark of the beast. Indeed, the seal of God in Revelation stands as the spiritual opposite to the mark of the beast.
Change of Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday
Discover how the change of Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday took place in history. This examination of the Sabbath through history compared with what the Bible says about the Sabbath will open your eyes to one of the longest running religious deceptions in history.
Christian Sabbath
Which day is the Sabbath? Some Christians say that the Christian Sabbath is Sunday. Others say that the Christian Sabbath is Saturday. Further fuelling the confusion is the way in which the seventh day Sabbath vs Sunday issue is said to represent Old Covenant vs New Covenant or legalism vs grace. Ultimately the question that this presentation seeks to answer from the Bible is, Should we still keep the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath still important under the New Covenant / New Testament dispensation? Or is the seventh day Sabbath a symbol of Old Covenant / Old Testament legalism.
In the Beginning
It seems that the quest for meaning and purpose is fundamental to the human experience. Every human being wants to know that they matter in some way. “In the Beginning” explores how the creation story and the original Sabbath define humanity’s identity.
The Parable of Building Strong
Understanding the parables of Jesus will have a profoundly positive impact on your life! When it comes to your life, building strong is essential. But with so many competing philosophies and ideologies, how can you be sure you're building your life on a solid foundation? In this episode of More than a Story, we will unpack the parable of the wise and foolish men.
No matter how architecturally magnificent the building, one must first choose a solid foundation to successfully weather the storms! This parable will give you the guidance you need to build on the most enduring foundation even in the face of life's uncertainty.
What Does the Parable of the Sower Represent?
If you have ever wondered how to interpret the parable of the sower, you will want to join Adrian Webster as he continues the journey of exploring the parables of Jesus.
Understanding the parables of Jesus will bring wisdom and a sense of clarity to your every day life experience. Life lessons in the Bible find a particular richness in the object lessons that Jesus employed from the natural world to illustrate spiritual realities. This video will provide some clear answers regarding how to understand the parable of the sower: the seed, the field, the four types of ground and the harvest. You will find your own place in the this parable, realising that it is so much more than a story.
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Understanding the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus isn't particularly easy. When it comes to understanding the parables of Jesus Christ, this is definitely one of the more tricky ones. Most likely this rich man and Lazarus sermon that Jesus told was a fictional story borrowed from the popular culture of the day and reapplied to suit Jesus' spiritual purposes.