Who is the Beast of Revelation?
The Mark of the Beast is coming! But what is the Mark of the Beast? More importantly, how can you avoid receiving the Mark of the Beast? Bible prophecy strongly associates together the end times and the mark of the beast. According to the book of Revelation, the mark of the beast is a phenomenon that manifests our spiritual loyalty shortly before the return of Jesus. The world will be divided into two camps, one standing under the seal of God and the other standing under the mark of the beast. Indeed, the seal of God in Revelation stands as the spiritual opposite to the mark of the beast.
A lot of people question what the relationship is between the mark of the beast and technology. In order to answer this question, it is wise to note that the mark of the beast is literally the "mark" OF THE BEAST. In other words, it is impossible to accurately understand what the mark is until one first asks and answers the question: "Who is the beast of Revelation?" This presentation seeks, first, to identify the beast of Revelation and then, second, to explain the mark of the beast in that context. Together we will unpack what you need to know about the mark of the beast.
This presentation was originally aired on television under the title: "In the Near Future: Discovering the Sabbath in Prophecy".